Thin Line Defense Co

Nominated for
Most Likely to Survive the Apocalypse
United States


We give you an honest personal opinion on the firearms, gear, training techniques, and outdoor products to help you decide on the things that you need and the things you don't. In our videos, we aim to provide you with our pros, cons, and if you should buy each product. We give you an everyday man's consumer perspective to gear reviews. Not the Special forces lvl 100 wizard perspective. Our aim is to tell if you if a new product is badass...or total junk. We also give you training tips as you watch us learn various disciples of pistol, rifle, and long range shooting. Our channel is for gun enthusiasts that are looking to follow along on interesting builds that include various nuances they can learn to avoid in their own builds. We aim our training videos at new shooters or individuals new to a particular discipline so we can look dumb for you and you can show up ready to go!