I am here to serve and teach you everything I've learned about firearms in my lifetime spanning 8 decades as a sportsman, hunter, competitive, and recreational shooter, and my professional career as a retired municipal police captain. I am a retired NRA Police Firearms Instructor, FBI Certified Firearms Instructor, and New Hampshire Certified Police Firearms Instructor. I received training in VIP protection by the Secret Service, and served with them as a protective sniper specialist for visiting Presidents and presidential candidates. I'm NRA Distinguished and will teach you to shoot to your best level. I've expansive and broad knowledge of firearms in virtually all aspects of handgun, rifle, and shotguns, with nearly 50 years of handloading and rifle accurizing experience that I wish to share with you, as my free gift, before my life's completed. Keep up with me, and you'll learn things found nowhere else, and even some things that are entirely unrelated to shooting! God Bless.